Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ladies look out!

Who are the 2 hottest men in Las Vegas? OK - well one well at least one of them IS the lady killer (and it's not Sean).

I just got back from Vegas for a photography conference and to do some portfolio shooting. I think it's important to take some time every year to just spend some time working on your craft. It keeps you sharp so when you need to call on those "creative juices" you're ready to go! I like to do this when I don't have too many weddings so I can make sure I don't get too comfortable!

Here are few pictures of one of my best friends from high school and his son Xavier. They were helping me do some location scouting in Vegas. They moved out there 6 years ago and I miss them so much. I don't get to see them much except when Sean is NYC for work so seeing all of them was a real treat. Later that afternoon, we met up with Xavier's mom Kerry and it was great to catch up. It's so funny how you can get together with your friends you haven't seen for years and it's like we never skipped a beat - miss you guys!

Check back in the next few days for shots from my Vegas shoots!


Blogger CaVa said...

Awesome shots Jay!!!

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pix Jay!

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boy's so cute! His dad's lookin' alrite too...

Thanks J. Was so great to see you.

Sorry about your hangover!!!

8:32 PM  

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